Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday's activities continued

This is Skanderberg's castle.  These pictures don't do justice to how amazing this castle really is. This castle's city that it surrounds has been around since the third century BC. It was so picturesque with the cobblestone walkways, grazing sheep, and the mountains in the background.  I loved this place. It was so fun. 
 We ate lunch at an authentic european pizza place, nothing like Little Caesars. It was pretty good.

We had family home evening with this cute family, the new stake president and his family. My dad taught him as a fifteen year old when he was on his mission. He has three sons; Luka (8), Marcellus (5), and Aaron (two months). They all speak fluent Albanian and English and it was really fun to get to know them and their darling boys. We had traditional Albanian pizza and baklava. It was super good. In Albania they do baklava a little different, they put this sugary sauce on it instead of honey. If you haven't ever tried baklava, you should try it cause it's really good. It is a flaked pastry with a sugar/honey/nut filling. It was delicious. And I especially loved having family night with them. They are all so nice and all have such strong testimonies of the gospel. It was a very fun evening with them. 

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